Thursday, October 8, 2009

Right Wing Jesus

I'm a satellite radio subscriber and I'm used to listening to my particular programs as I roll away the miles. Then one day the radio in my truck quits and I can only get one channel - 89.3. So I only get satellite radio when I'm in an area that will pick up on that channel. Well, I got into a stretch in Wyoming where for about 100 miles 89.3 was all Right Wing Jesus all the time. I kept checking every so many miles thinking that surely that station would fade out. But no, Right Wing Jesus was still hanging in there and he was a mad Jesus. Right Wing Jesus wanted people to fight and judge and be angry. And apparently, Right Wing Jesus doesn't want us to have a public option in health care.

Now, wait a minute. The Jesus I learned about in Sunday School healed the people and never once asked for a cent or whether they had a pre-existing condition. Something was very wrong here. This wasn't my Jesus. No, it seems Right Wing Jesus wants me to listen to Rush Limbaugh, denounce my president, and support corrupt corporate control.

So, Right Wing Jesus opposes abortion but is in favor of killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Right Wing Jesus wants me to support giving a corporation the right to decide whether or not I deserve to be healed or get to live or die. Right Wing Jesus apparently doesn't like poor people, public programs, education or believe in global warming.

Wow! This Right Wing Jesus is one angry, judgemental dude. Somehow this all seems incredibly absurd to me but apparently Right Wing Jesus is influencing many in this nation to practice this blasphemous form of Religious Right politics.

From this truck seat, my religious right friends, I will pray for you that your ignorance may be lifted and your humanity restored.

Til then, me and Dashboard Jesus, will keep bobbing down the road catching fish, breaking loaves, being kind and tolerant to our fellow man, speaking the truth even to those who may not want to hear it and working on getting the public option in our health care reform so that the God you profess to worship can do his job of deciding when and where we die and not the insurance companies.

1 comment:

  1. I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
    Galileo Galilei
